1. Print These Instructions First. 2. Select The Proper Download For
Your Type Of Horses. Click
Here To Download Standardbred Version Click
Here To Download Thoroughbred Version Click
Here To Download All Other Type Horses 3. After you click either of the
above links a window will appear asking you what would you like to do with this
file. Select... Save To Disc. 4. Next another window will appear
asking you where to save the file. Save the file anywhere on your hard drive
such as your Desk Top, or any Download folder. 5. This is a very large file...
depending on the speed of your connection it could take as long as 2 hours or
more to
download. A DSL or Broad Band connection takes just a few minutes. Once the download is complete you will have a new file on your
computer named "HCents.exe". 6. Go to My Computer and navigate to
where you downloaded the "HCents.exe" file. Double Click the "HCents.exe"
file and follow the instructions on your screen. 7. If you aren't sure where you
downloaded the "HCents.exe" file go to your: Start Tab, Find, Files or Folders,
and type "HCents.exe" in the box that says Named: Make sure the section that reads
Look In: Has My Computer selected. Then click Find Now. Once the file "HCents.exe" is found
it will appear in the lower section of the form. Double Click the "HCents.exe"
file and follow the instructions on your screen. 8. Send Horse Cents Software Company
a email requesting that your personalized Statement Headers be added to your new
software. The email address is Info@HCSC.biz. 9. We will send you one last short
download (about one minute) that will change the Statement Headings on your
software. 10. If you need assistance we can be
reached at 859-421-0747. You may also request the Free Trial
on CD-Rom by filling out the form at Order Free